Preach the Word

A talk given at the 50th Anniversary of Campus Bible Study at UNSW, Sydney.

Forum 2025

Forums are young adults hearing the Bible taught, asking questions and discussing the implications. The topic for Forum this year is The Genesis of Life. Join us on Thursday evenings at Moore College.

Philemon and Slavery

Two Ministry Training talks exploring Paul’s overall mission and the book of Philemon

Prime Time

A talk about ministry in the later stage of life. Are we going to use our later years to collect shells, travel the world, or proclaim the Lord Jesus?

Launch 2025

A camp for school leavers keen to live for Jesus - with talks from Phillip Jensen and Richard Chin and the best opportunities to connect with others heading in the same direction as you.

Gospel thinking for today

A weekly podcast and article, from Phillip and Peter Jensen.

Ordinary Evangelism

Four talks on the what, why and how of sharing the good news of Jesus.

Two Ways To Live

Two Ways to Live is a clear and simple explanation of the the good news that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died and rose again for the salvation of all who would trust in Him.

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Phillip Jensen preaching

Phillip Jensen

Phillip is a Bible Teacher and Evangelist with Two Ways Ministries, both modelling and training others in preaching the gospel by teaching the Bible.

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Proclaiming the death and resurrection of Jesus

Challenging and recruiting Christians into this great work

Training gospel workers

Guiding Christians into new ministries

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