Glorify God
Talk 1 of 5 in the Series MYC 2007 The Purpose of Church
The next talk in the Series is The Heavenly Perspective
- The Church in Ephesians
- 3:20-21 Why Glory in the Church?
- 3:10 How through the Church?
- 5:22-31 husbands wives Adam Eve
- Understanding Ephesians
- mystery
- heavenly places
- the saints
- the faithful
- The Sovereign Plan of God
- blessings of God
- first hoped in Christ
- you also
- the prayer for Gentiles
- How God’s Plan Operates
- dead men raised
- gentiles made fellow citizens
- the gospel preached
- the mystery made known
- the church demonstrates
- Paul’s prayer
- Church in our Lives
- what is it all about
- significance of church