1. The Speck of Dust That Rules the Universe https://pjcom-pre2003.s3.amazonaws.com/St+Matthias+Misc/01+The+Speck+of+Dust+That+Rules+the+Universe+%5BGenesis+1-26-28%5D.mp3The Speck of Dust That Rules the Universe Talk 1 of 3 in the series Genesis St Matthias. Bible PassagesGenesis 1:26-28Topics1.2.4. Humanity, 1.2. Man and Sin, 1.4. Jesus and Atonement, 1.4.16. The Person of Christ, 2.1. Spirit and Regeneration, 2.1.15. Sanctification, 1. The Gospel, 2. The Christian LifeSeriesGenesis St MatthiasContextsSt. MatthiasDate1 Jan 1977TypeAudioShare & MoreDownloadAudio