11. God’s Propitiation

God’s Propitiation

Talk 11 of 19 in the series: Romans 2008/9 Cathedral Bible Study

The next talk in the series is By Faith Alone

“…and are justified by his grace as a gift,

through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,

whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood,

to be received by faith.”

Romans 3:24-25

  1. The Crux of the Argument
    • the arguments
      1. love and anger
      2. revenge and retribution
    •  the alternatives
      1. expiation
      2. models of the atonement
    • the watershed
  2. Justified by his Grace
    • through the redemption
    • release from slavery
    • in Christ Jesus
  3. God’s Action
    • put forward
    • a propitiation
    • by his blood
    • received by faith
  4. The Watershed

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