15. Prepared For Heaven https://pjcom-pre2003.s3.amazonaws.com/uni+ministry/Luke+Unichurch+1981/2+Prepared+For+Heaven+%5BLuke+17_1-18_8%5D+1983-02-13.mp3Prepared For Heaven Talk 15 of 24 in the series Luke 1981-5 Unichurch The next talk in the series is Who Enters Heaven Bible PassagesLuke 17:1-18:8Topics1.4.9. Parables, 1.4.14. Teaching of Christ, 2.3. Scripture and Prayer, 2.3.8. Kingdom of God, 1. The Gospel, 2. The Christian Life, 1.4. Jesus and AtonementSeriesLuke 1981-5 UnichurchContextsUNSW UnichurchDate13 Feb 1983TypeAudioShare & MoreDownloadAudio