1(b). Living as Lords Over Time Part B

Living as Lords Over Time (Part B)

Talk 1 (Part B) of 5 in the Series MYC 2013 Resurrection

The next talk in the Series is Living as Lords Over Creation (Part A)

  1. Living as Lords?
    1. The Lord
    2. His resurrection and ours
    3. lords?
  2. Time and eternity
    1. slaves of time or lords of time
    2. creation and eternity
    3. the tree of life
    4. beyond the grave
    5. eternity in heart
  3. The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath
    1. unlawful and lawful on the Sabbath
    2. in creation
    3. in the law
    4. Psalm 95
    5. Hebrews 3-4
  4. The Resurrection
    1. judgement
    2. the one and the many
  5. Lords Over Time

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