2018 2. Whom Do We Live For?

Talk 2 of 2 in 2018 in the series: Easter Campus Bible Study Collection

Whom Do We Live For?

And he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised. 2Corinthians. 5.15

The Dangerous Idea

1          “It concentrates the mind wonderfully”

2          His death

a          representative and substitute

b          purpose


3          Our lives

a          no longer

b          for selves

c          for him


4          Living for the living

a          died for our sakes

b          and was raised


5          For whom do we live?

Dear God,

I know that I am not worthy to be accepted by you.

I don’t deserve your gift of eternal life.

I am guilty of rebelling against you

and ignoring you.

I need forgiveness.

Thank you for sending your son to die for me

that I may be forgiven.

Thank you that he rose from the dead

to give me new life.

Please forgive me and change me,

that I may live with Jesus as my ruler.


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