Living For Him
Talk 2 of 2 from the Mission Minded Weekend Conference in 2018, for young people considering full time ministry.
The previous talk is Living For Others.
For other talks by Phillip for people considering full time ministry, please see Considering Full Time Ministry.
He died for all,
that those who live
might no longer live for themselves
but for him
who for their sake died and was raised.
2 Corinthians 5:15
- Death and Life
- the cut flowers
- the clay pots
- the transient and the eternal
- He Died for All
- the love that leads to death
- the death for all that all died
- The Purpose
- those who live
- no longer
- live for themselves
- but for him
- The Consequence
- a new creation
- by reconciliation
- The Ambassadors’ Appeal
- imploring all
- appealing to you
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