2025 (c) The ‘Why’ of Jesus

The ‘Why’ of Jesus

Talk 3 of 6 given at Launch 2025, a camp for school leavers keen to live for Jesus as they commence university life. Talks 1-3 were given by Phillip Jensen, talks 3-6 were given by Richard Chin.

The first of Richard’s was not recorded; his second talk is The Path of Lament.

The six talks: (a) The ‘Who’ of Jesus, (b) The ‘What’ of Jesus, (c) The ‘Why’ of Jesus, (d) The Path of Blessing and Refuge (not recorded), (e) The Path of Lament, (f) The Path of Glory.

All Launch talks can be found in the series Launch for School Leavers.

Talk Outline

  1. The Who of Jesus
  2. The What of Jesus
  3. The profit
  4. The alternative
  5. The shame
  6. The Who, What, Why of Jesus

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