One Study in Romans 2

Talk 3 of 7 in a series Romans 2000 AIM where Phillip gave at a series of ministry training talks throughout 2000 at St Matthias.

The next talk in the series is Romans 2 and Psalm 62.

Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realising that God’s kindness leads you towards repentance?  Romans 2:4

  1. Habakkuk’s Wait
    • instant generation
    • wrath now in Babylon
    • wait in faith for the end
  2.  Wrath is Being Revealed
    • now against ungodliness
    • given over to ungodliness
    • but who?
  3.  The Judgement of God
    • against
    • based on
    • so impartial
  4.  Our Judgements
    • hypocritical
    • avoidance thinking
    • contempt for…
  5.  The Kindness of God
    • delaying patience
    • for what reason
    • human stupidity
  6.  The Why and How of Now
    • why the world is in such a mess
    • why the world continues
    • why and how we should act
    • how the righteousness of God is

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