9. Diocesan Mission Progress #2

Article 9 of 10 on the Diocesan Mission

Article 10 is Diocesan Mission Mid-Point Review

Two years ago, the Diocese of Sydney embraced an ambitious form of the Mission of Christ.  

The Mission of Christ has been operating for the last two thousand years.  All nations are being called upon to acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Saviour, and to find forgiveness of sin in him.  For God “desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.  For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time” (1Timothy 2:4-6).

God has entrusted this gospel message to his people.  By our spreading the message of Jesus, He builds his church.  He has given us the gifts we need for his task.  We are to speak the truth in love to one another using the gifts that he has given for the common good.  We are to seek to edify – that is build – the church. 

This ongoing mission of Christ has found many forms in history.  The current Sydney mission takes notice of how few people in the society are in Bible believing churches. It tries to address our failure to reach the community.  By prayerful trust in God, it seeks to transform the parish ministries.  It aims to open up new churches and ministries.  While these new congregations are to be faithful to the gospel ministry, they aim to reach a greater variety of people.

All this takes time.   It takes time to recruit and train more ministers to lead these churches.  It takes time and enterprise to open up new congregations.   The temptation for an old institution such as ours is to agree in principle and then do nothing.  The Diocesan Mission set us the time frame of ten years.  Long enough to give time for change.  Short enough to force us to take action. 

The growth in attendance is expected to be gradual at first.  This is the stage when we are recruiting workers and making structural changes.   However, if we make the right changes and God blesses our work, then in due time we should reach more of our society.

So, after two years how is the Diocesan Mission going?  As expected, the percentage of the society attending church has not noticeably increased.  However, there are exciting signs of real and effective change happening.   

There has been a 45% increase in candidates training for the ministry.  We have never had so many people volunteer to serve in the Diocese.  Next February in the Cathedral we will see the largest ordination of Deacons in our history.  

More significant still is the increase in jobs. Knowing that there would be a sudden increase in new ministers, parishes were invited to start new ministries.  Instead of an overflow of workers unable to find a job, the parishes have created more jobs than the number of workers!  This is an exciting expansion of ministry.  

There is a long way to go in the mission.  But if we keep opening up new ministries led by a growing number of well-trained ministers, then we are heading in the right direction.  Yet as always, we must remember “Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labour in vain” (Psalm 127:1).

So let us keep patient and persistent in prayer as we start new congregations and train more ministers. 

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