3. Are You Led By The Spirit? http://pjcom-conf.s3.amazonaws.com/KYC%201983%20The%20Holy%20Spirit/Phillip%20Jensen%20-%201983-01-01%20%233%20Are%20you%20led%20by%20the%20Spirit.mp3Are You Led By The Spirit? Talk 3 of 5 in the series Katoomba Youth Convention 1983 on the Holy Spirit. Bible PassagesRomans 8, Galatians 5Topics1.1.7. God the Father, 1.1. God and Creation, 2.2.27. Jesus teaching on the Holy Spirit, 2.2. Spirit and Living, 1. The Gospel, 2. The Christian LifeSeriesThe Holy Spirit Katoomba Youth Convention: KYC 1983ContextsConferencesDate1 Jan 1983TypeAudioShare & MoreDownloadAudio