2. Explaining The Pentecostal Experience

Explaining the Pentecostal Experience

Talk 2 of 30 in the series Acts 2010 St Andrews Cathedral

The next talk in the series is Explaining the Healing Experience

Acts 2:1-41

1 The Pentecostal Experience

a. my

b. 1 Corinthians

c. Acts 2

2 Describing the Pentecostal Experience

a. wind fire and tongues

b. wonders of God

c. varied responses

3 Possible clues

a. harvest festival

b. law giving

c. Babel

4 Luke’s Explanation

a. prepared

b. filled with the Holy Spirit

5 Peter’s Explanation

a. The last days

b. Jesus’ resurrection

c. Christ’s resurrection

d. Jesus Christ’s resurrection

e. the response to the message

6 Explanation of the Pentecostal Experience

a. an historical moment

b. personal reality


Listen to other talks on Acts 2010 Cathedral Bible Study

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