2. Explaining The Pentecostal Experience

Explaining the Pentecostal Experience

Talk 2 of 8 in the series: Acts 1998 The Bible Talks

The next talk in the series is Explaining the Healing Experience

  1. The Pentecostal Experience
    • my
    • 1 Corinthians
    • Acts 2
  2. Describing the Pentecostal Experience
    • wind fire and tongues
    • wonders of God
    • varied responses
  3. Possible clues
    • harvest festival
    • law giving
    • Babel
  4. Luke’s Explanation
    • prepared
    • filled with the Holy Spirit
  5. Peter’s Explanation
    • the last days
    • Jesus’ resurrection
    • Christ’s resurrection
    • Jesus Christ’s resurrection
    • the response to the message
  6. Explanation of the Pentecostal Experience
    • an historical moment
    • personal reality

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