Finding New Life In Jesus

Finding New Life in Jesus

Talk 2 of 2 given at a public meeting at Sydney Town Hall across 2 nights.

The first talk is The Death of Religion in John Chapter 2.

Talk Outline

  1. Who needs a new life?
  • What did it mean to be born again?
  • What was it about Nicodemus that he needed to be born again?
  • Why be born again?
  1. Why didn’t Nicodemus know that he needed a new life?
  • Nicodemus didn’t listen carefully enough to Jesus or the Scriptures
  • He had already determined what God would or wouldn’t do before God had done it
  • Because the Kingdom of God was coming, not through miracles, but through the death and resurrection of Jesus
  1. Do we need new life?
  1. Do you need new life?
  1. A prayer for new life

Dear God,

I know that I am not worthy to be accepted by you. I don’t deserve your gift of eternal life. I am guilty of rebelling against you and ignoring you. I’m sorry, and I need your forgiveness.

Thank you for sending your Son to die for me so that I may be forgiven. Thank you that he rose from the dead to give me new life.

Please forgive me and change me, so that I may live with Jesus as my ruler. Amen.

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