6. Forgive Us Our Debts http://pjcom-pre2003.s3.amazonaws.com/st%20matthias/The%20Lord%27s%20Prayer%201990/06%20Forgive%20us%20our%20Debts%20%5BMatthew%206_1.mp3Forgive Us Our Debts Talk 6 of 7 in the series The Lord’s Prayer 1990 given at St Matthias morning service in 1990. Bible PassagesMatthew 6:12Topics1. The Gospel, 1.2. Man and Sin, 1.2.11. Sinful Nature, 1.6. Repentance and Faith, 1.6.2. Forgiveness (Divine)SeriesThe Lord’s Prayer 1990 St MatthiasContextsSt Matthias MorningDate26 Aug 1990TypeAudioShare & MoreDownloadAudio