From the Dean…

The office renovation has been a very long slow and expensive saga.   However, we are almost finished.   There are only a couple of minor matters that are now holding us up.   The substantial work has been completed.  

It would be remiss of me not to thank the maintenance committee and in particular Michael Sharpe and David Gold who have worked with enormous generosity of time and effort to bring this project to completion.   Thanks also is due to our Cathedral staff, in particular Kay Terry and Chris Moroney have also contributed to this project over and above the call of duty. The Fairfax Foundation’s very significant contribution has enabled us to undertake this renovation. When the office is officially opened, we will publicly thank them for their ongoing spirit of Christian philanthropy.

Before the builders leave, they will be constructing a new narthex inside the Eastern (George St) door.  We hope to be able to open to George Street very soon!  As I mentioned a few weeks ago, this project is unfunded and so we would appreciate any special donation to opening these doors.  Thank you those who have already contributed; we have over $15,000 more to raise.

Returning to our offices and reopening the George Street doors will bring many changes to the operation of the Cathedral but I am thankful for the “can do attitude” as Ray Sharpe describes so many in our Cathedral congregation.

However, a much larger change than building renovations is the announcement of Michael Deasey’s departure from us next July.   Michael has been at the Cathedral for a quarter of a century.   He is a tireless worker for the good of all the congregations.  Many Wednesdays he is leading at 8:15am and still at work at the Healing Service nearly 12 hours later.

Michael’s skills in music and his love of the Cathedral and its ministry, to which he has contributed most of his working life, are universally acknowledged.   His devotion to the choristers and their families has been long appreciated not only by those involved directly but also by the school and Cathedral communities.

During the 1990’s Michael completed a Bachelor of Divinity degree, without intending to use this for future employment. After finishing this degree, he became aware of a vocation in Christian ministry. This has seen him undertake the long process of testing and acceptance for ordination by the Bishop of Bathurst.   

The plan is that Michael will be made a Deacon in July next year and will be ordained as Priest in the following December. I am sure that the Cathedral congregations will pray for God’s blessing upon him and his family as he undertakes this new course in life.

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