2. Guidance And The Voice Of God

Guidance and the Voice of God
(Talk 2 of 8 in the series 21st Century Pilgrimage)

1 The Pilgrim’s Guidance
 a making decisions and God’s sovereignty
 b What God can do ≠ What God has done
 c What God has done and what God promises to do

2 Colossians 2
 a Church the Apostle didn’t know
 b as you received, continue
 c captivity
   philosophy, empty deceit, human tradition elemental spirits
   not according to Christ
 d judgement
   food, drink and festivals
   the shadow not the reality – Christ
 e disqualification
   humility, angels, visions, unspiritual mind, idle notions
   not the Head
 f submission
   rules human commands and teachings appearance but no value
   died and raised with Christ

3 The Voice of God
 a the creative and saving power
 b the profitable inspiration
 c the living authority
 d the wisdom for living
 e the transformed listener

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