Jesus Christ is the Same

Jesus Christ is the Same

A sermon given at Grace West Anglican Church at Glenmore Park in Sydney on Hebrews 13:7-19.

Sermon Outline

1          Larger Context: What do we do with Sin?

            a          forgiveness without atonement is acceptance

b          the wages of sin

            c          the sacrifice for sin

2          Immediate Context: Leaders

a          past v7

            b          present  v17

            c          because Jesus does not change

3          Presenting Problem: False Teachers

            a          all kinds of strange

            b          no right to eat

            c          sin offerings

4          Gospel Understanding: Heart Strengthened by Grace

            a          Jesus suffered outside the gate

            b          blood makes holy

5          Christian Living: Commands

            a          do not

            b          let us go

            c          let us offer sacrifices  

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