4. Led by the Spirit

Talk 4 of 5 in the series: Work of the Spiritin the Life of the Believer

Talk 5 in the series is Fruit and Gifts of the Spirit

Led By The Spirit

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. Rom. 8.14

But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. Gal. 5.18

1          Theology

a          wrong methodology

b          wrong theology

i           experience over direction (1 Corinthians 12:2)

ii          guidance and the voice of God

2          The Spirit Led Person

a          being led

b          the two references


3          The Context

a          Romans 8:1-17

i           our natural state

ii          our spiritual state

iii         how changed

b          Galatians 3-5

i           our natural state

ii          our spiritual state

iii         how changed

c          the gospel, law and prophets

4          Being Led By the Spirit

            a          destination

b          participation

c          negating and walking

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