Romans 12-13 Bible Study

Romans 12-13 Bible Study

Phillip gave talk 1 and 4 at the Australia Day Convention in 2014 on Australia’s Future: Christ, The Nation, The State. This is the first talk which is a bible study on Romans 12 and 13.

He also gave the final talk entitled Advance Australia Where.

Talk Outline

  1. Therefore
  2. The Great Transformation
    • individual
    • world
    • mind
  3. Individuals Thinking Socially
    • gifts
    • though many are one
  4. Loving Especially the Insider
  5. Loving Especially the Outsider
  6. Leaving it to the Wrath of God
    • God’s instituted authority
    • God’s servant for your good
    • God’s servant for wrath
    • the Christian’s responsibility
  7. The Christian Debt
    • of love
    • love fulfils the law
  8.  The Christian Time

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