3. Spiritual Guidance https://pjcom-pre2003.s3.amazonaws.com/Conferences/Mid+Year+Conferences/Holy+Spirit+1992/Phillip+Jensen+-+1992-07-22+Holy+Spirit+%233_+Spiritual+Guidance.mp3 Spiritual Guidance Talk 3 of 6 in the series: MYC Holy Spirit Conf Talks 1992 Topics2.2.27. Jesus teaching on the Holy Spirit, 2.1. Spirit and Regeneration, 2.2. Spirit and Living, 1. The Gospel, 2. The Christian Life, 2.2.29. Living By The Spirit, 1.1.7. God the Father, 2.1.7. Guidance, 1.1. God and CreationSeriesMYC 1992 Holy SpiritContextsConferencesDate22 Jul 1992TypeAudioShare & MoreDownloadAudio