The Great Thirst
Talk 4 of 4 in the series: Isaiah 1982 Campus Bible Study given at University of New South Wales.
Sermon Outline
- How D’Ya Feel
- universal thirst
- universal passage
- great thirst (v1-3)
- mercy for seekers (v6-9)
- powerful word (v10-11)
- Israel’s Instruction
- universal
- promises to David (v3-5)
- history (2 Sam 7:5-16)
- shattered (Psa 89, Is 55:3-4)
- repeated (Is55:3-5)
- Babylonian return
- sure and certain (v10-11)
- home rejoicing (v12)
- LORD’s renown (v13)
- Where To Now?
- Babylonian failure (Nem 9:36-37)
- Palestine today?
- Christ
- Everlasting Covenant (Acts 13:34-38, Heb 13:20)
- Living Water (John 4:14, 7:37, Rev 21:6, 22:17)
- The Great thirst
- Universal
- Response
- Reassurance