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13. The Hallelujah Chorus

The Hallelujah Chorus

Talk 13 of 17 in the series: Revelation 2012 – 2013

Revelation 18:1 – 19:10

1 Darling little ones
a Sub-Christian?
b Joy and sorrow

2 The fall of Babylon
a A mighty voice (18:1-3)
b Another voice (18:4-8)
c The three laments (18:9-19)
d Call to rejoice (18:20)
e Silence (18:21 _ 24)
f Hallelujahs (19:1-9)

3 Understanding Babylon
a Old testament
b What is Babylon?
c What happens to Babylon?
d When does it happen?

4 Responses to Babylon
a Ungodly
b Godly

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