The Opposed King

The Opposed King

A sermon given at Hope Anglican Church at Leppington in Sydney, as part of their King Jesus series on Mark Chapters 1-8.

Sermon Outline

  1. A Question of Judgement
  2. Jesus Opposition
    • background
    • healing 3:1-6
    • the exorcist
    • the silencer 3:11-12
    • the authorizer 3:14-15
    • Jesus and Beelzebul 3:22
  3. Variety of Opinions
    • bad
    • fad 3:9-10
    • mad 3:21, 31
    • the strong man
  4. The Implications of Jesus Opinion
    • the promise of v 28
    • the warning of v 29
    • the challenge
  5. Conclusion
    • the miracles and Satan
    • forgiveness
    • judgements

Dear God,
I know that I am not worthy to be accepted by you.
I don’t deserve your gift of eternal life.
I am guilty of rebelling against you and ignoring you.
I need forgiveness.
Thank you for sending your son to die for me
that I may be forgiven.
Thank you that he rose from the dead
to give me new life.
Please forgive me and change me,
that I may live with Jesus as my Lord.


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