6. The Promise of the Son

The Promise of the Son

Talk 6 of 8 in a series on Genesis 1-11, given at St Andrew’s Cathedral.

Talk Outline


” I will put enmity between you and the woman,

and between your offspring and her offspring;

 he shall bruise your head,

and you shall bruise his heel.”

(Gen 3:15)


  1. Genealogies of the Bible
    • common and strange
    • important
  2. Genealogies of Genesis
    • Adam’s Boys (Gen 4 & 5)
    • Seth to Noah (Gen 5)
    • Noah’s Boys (Gen 9-10)
    • Shem to Abram (Gen 11)
  3. Why the Bible has more than Three Chapters
    • the search
    • the Genesis’ offspring
    • the childless father
    • the Bible’s offspring 
  4. Bruising
    • born of a Woman
    • deadly Conflict
    • the cross
  5. The Promise

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