1. You Must Be Born Again https://pjcom-pre2003.s3.amazonaws.com/uni+ministry/The+Holy+Spirit+1984/1984-07-29+01+You+Must+Be+Born+Again.mp3You Must Be Born Again Talk 1 of 4 in the series The Holy Spirit 1984 Unichurch. Topics2.2.29. Living By The Spirit, 1.1.7. God the Father, 1.1. God and Creation, 2.2.27. Jesus teaching on the Holy Spirit, 2.2. Spirit and Living, 1. The Gospel, 2. The Christian LifeSeriesThe Holy Spirit 1984 UnichurchContextsUNSW Uni Ministry, UNSW UnichurchDate29 Jul 1984TypeAudioShare & MoreDownloadAudio