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耶穌受難日(Good Friday),「好」在那裡?

Traditional Script

耶稣受难日(Good Friday),「好」在那里?


不认识救恩的人会觉得 「耶稣受难日」的英文名称「Good Friday」很奇怪。它的历史起源于13世纪,「好」一词意为「圣洁」。本来是「圣星期五」,但是随着「好」这个词的含义改变,基督徒认为没有其他理由更改名字。如果有的话,这个名字就更适合描述假期的合理性了。因为没有一天比救主为我们的罪而死的那一天更恰当。在衪的受死中,神的爱得到了彰显,耶稣得了荣耀,神对我们的愤怒止息了,我们的罪孽得了偿还,我们被赎回,撒但和他的工作被击败了…这只是当天发生其中的一些事情。庆祝我们的主受死救赎的那一天,被冠以「好」的衔头实不为过。



16世纪改革者继续庆祝耶稣受难日,放弃了中世纪的习俗,并宣布耶稣为我们的罪而死。英国圣公会与欧洲的新教徒一起庆祝主的晚餐…这做法一直持续到今天的福音派教会。然而,在他们的福音讯息中,传讲基督已完成的工作却忘记了因信称义,因此有一种转向中世纪的做法或发展出新的讨神喜悦的方式。例如,19世纪的英国国教的高教会派重礼仪式的亚历山大·麦科诺奇(Alexander Mackonochie)将17世纪的耶稣会修士三小时(从中午到下午3点)的崇拜引入了英国圣公会。


基督徒知道我们不需要假期来纪念我们得救的日子。一年中的任何一天交易或娱乐都没有错。但是,如果社会给予我们庆祝主光荣受死的日子,我们应该充分利用它 – 使用它而不是失去它。


Bilingual with Traditional Scripts

耶穌受難日(Good Friday),「好」在那裡?

Good Friday is a great day. It is the day when we have a public holiday to celebrate the saving death of our Lord Jesus Christ.


People who don’t know of this salvation find the English name “Good Friday” strange. Its history is derived from the 13th century where the word ‘good’ meant ‘holy’. So it was ‘Holy Friday’ but as the word ‘good’ changed its meaning, Christians saw no reason to change the name. If anything the name became more appropriate to describe the rationale for the holiday. For there’s no better day than the one when our saviour died for our sins. In his death God’s love was demonstrated, Jesus was glorified, God’s just anger against us was turned aside, our sin was paid for, we were redeemed, Satan and his works were defeated – just to mention a few things that happened that day. Any day that is set aside to celebrate the saving death of our Lord deserves at least the title “Good”.

不認識救恩的人會覺得 「耶穌受難日」的英文名稱「Good Friday」很奇怪。它的歷史起源於13世紀,「好」一詞意為「聖潔」。本來是「聖星期五」,但是隨著「好」這個詞的含義改變,基督徒認為沒有其他理由更改名字。如果有的話,這個名字就更適合描述假期的合理性了。因為沒有一天比救主為我們的罪而死的那一天更恰當。在衪的受死中,神的愛得到了彰顯,耶穌得了榮耀,神對我們的憤怒止息了,我們的罪孽得了償還,我們被贖回,撒但和他的工作被擊敗了…這只是當天發生其中的一些事情。慶祝我們的主受死救贖的那一天,被冠以「好」的銜頭實不為過。

As people move away from the Christian understanding of the death of Jesus, their celebrations become distorted. For the religious, this day ceases to be a celebration of his saving death as they try to connect to God by their religious

observances. For the irreligious, this day becomes like any other public holiday; time off to enjoy themselves.


Instead of trusting the message, that Jesus’ death is sufficient to bring us forgiveness, religious people try to gain the benefits of his death by their actions. Justification is no longer by faith in Christ’s death alone but by faith and works, especially sympathetic re-enactments by which the observant can participate in the sufferings of Christ. From Thursday evening, with the ceremonial foot washing, the stripping of altars and reserving the ‘host’ to celebrate the mass of the Pre-sanctified, the sufficiency of Jesus’ sacrificial death is consistently undermined through religious observances. A distorted retelling of the events of the day, by a meritorious procession called the stations of the cross, fails to accept the spiritual reality of the day. It is worse still when dramatic re-enactments even involve actual crucifixions. From medieval times the “Veneration of the Cross” has turned the events of history into idolatry – even “Creeping to the Cross” to kiss the feet of the crucifix. Christ’s supposed ‘Reproaches’ from the cross are sung as people once again seek mercy, or worse still, make ‘Acts of Reparation’ to pay Jesus for the sins that they have committed against him!


Those Reformers of the 16th century, who continued to celebrate Good Friday, dispensed with the medieval practices and proclaimed the death of Jesus for our sins. The Anglicans, together with the continental Protestants, celebrated the Lord’s Supper – a practice that continues in Evangelical churches to this day. But as people lose touch with our justification by faith in the Gospel word of the finished work of Christ, so there is a turning back to medieval practices or the development of new ways to please God. For example the 17th century Jesuit three hour (from midday to 3pm) service was introduced into Anglican churches by the 19th Anglo-Catholic ritualist, Alexander Mackonochie.

16世紀改革者繼續慶祝耶穌受難日,放棄了中世紀的習俗,並宣佈耶穌為我們的罪而死。英國聖公會與歐洲的新教徒一起慶祝主的晚餐…這做法一直持續到今天的福音派教會。然而,在他們的福音訊息中,傳講基督已完成的工作却忘記了因信稱義,因此有一種轉向中世紀的做法或發展出新的討神喜悅的方式。例如,19世紀的英國國教的高教會派重禮儀式的亞歷山大·麥科諾奇(Alexander Mackonochie)將17世紀的耶穌會修士三小時(從中午到下午3點)的崇拜引入了英國聖公會。

On the other hand, the irreligious use Good Friday to continue to trade or to pursue pleasure. Our Government is under great pressure to allow trading on every day of the year – including Good Friday. A society that has no time off from trading has only the poverty of materialism to hold it together. But most people gratefully use the public holiday to enjoy themselves. If you know nothing of the death of Jesus, then it’s understandable that you would use your free time to pursue whatever made you happy, be it the family barbeque or a fishing trip, a game of football or an opportunity to get into the garden.


Christians know that we don’t need a holiday to mark the day our salvation was won. There’s nothing wrong with trade or pleasure on any day of the year. Yet, if the society grants us a day in which to celebrate our Lord’s victorious death, we should use it to the full – use it and not lose it.


Good Friday is the day when nobody can complain if we proclaim our Lord’s all conquering death. Family, presents, Santa and children may dominate Christmas Day, while chocolate and the bunny are taking over Easter day but Good Friday has only buns with the cross on them. This is the day to spend time remembering our Lord’s death, pondering with thankfulness its significance and implications for our lives. It’s the day to invite our friends and neighbours to hear what Jesus did when he died for sins. Most Australians don’t know why he died or what his death achieved. They think that Christ’s message is about being nice and kind and good. If they could only find out the wonderful news of sins forgiven, pardon and redemption, justification and adoption! But how will they find out unless we who know the truth, love it and love them enough to tell them. And when better than the day set aside – by our community – to celebrate this death by calling it ‘Good’.


Translated by Lawrence Ng

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