4. Building the Church

Building The Church

Talk 4 of 5 in the Series MYC 2007 The Purpose of Church

The next talk in the Series is Mission to the World

  1. I Will Build My Church
    1. many metaphors
    2. building
    3. Peter’s confession
    4. Jesus’ action
  2.  The End Not The Means
    1. purpose of the church = being the church
    2. so church is for relationship or fellowship
    3. but present activity is building
  3.  The Gifts of God
    1. not lacking 1 Corinthians 1:4-9
    2. whose gifts
    3. Christ’s gifts – Ephesians 4
    4. God’s gifts – 1 Peter 4:7-11; Romans 12:5-8,
    5. Spirit’s Manifestation 1 Cor 12-14 – (14:26)
  4.  God’s Church – Our Life

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