6. The Two Ways to Live

The Two Ways to Live

Talk 6 of 6 in the Series The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached 2003 given at St Andrews Cathedral.

This is the last talk in the Series. If you would like more from Phillip, please see Resources

Sermon Outline

  1. We do not like Choices
    • delaying answering
    • denying contradictions
    • disagreeing
  2.  Jesus: – not as their Scribes
    • disciples and the crowds
    • authority and not like scribes
    • astonished ≠ agreement
  3.  The Two Gates
    • contrasting entry
    • contrasting journey
    • contrasting personnel
    • contrasting end point
  4.  The Two Kinds of Prophets
    • the character of the false
    • the way of discerning
    • the deception revealed
    • the real difference in fruit
  5.  The Two Responses to Jesus’ Words
    • what the foolish and wise have in common
    • what the foolish and wise have in difference
    • the end outcome
  6.  The Beginning and the End
    • seeing the crowds Jesus taught his disciples
    • two ways to live

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