The Genuine Judge
Talk 36 of 53 in the Series Matthew 2012-14 St Andrews Cathedral
The next talk in the Series is The Genuine Jesus
Matthew 12
- The Opposition
- mounting
- surprising
- expected
- The Judgement
- the judgement people made
- v2 Pharisees judged him by his disciples
- v10 In Synagogue they were watching to accuse him
- v23 as some people ask the question
- the judgement coming to people
- v6-8 something greater than the temple – is here
- v28f the kingdom of God has come upon you
- v33 the tree is known by its fruit
- v39 an evil and adulterous generation seeks a sign
- v48 who is my mother and my brothers?
- the judgement people made
- The Rejection of Jesus
- motives
- content
- breaking the law
- the devil’s power
- provide a sign
- breaking the law
- judging the judge