Session 1 of 3 of the series Who, Why and What of Jesus, an interactive Forum evening at Moore College.
Session 2 Why Did Jesus Come?
Who is Jesus?
- Introduction: Jireh
- Quiz – Who is who?
Reason they were chosen
- Three features of the Gospel
i. There are two big questions:
chapters 1-8, Who is Jesus?
chapters 9-16, Why did Jesus come?
ii. We the readers know the answers e.g. v1
provided we know Isaiah – i.e. Old Testament prophecies
John Baptist: well-known, Josephus Jewish historian
Christ = Son of God = Psalm 2 = Coming Kingdom
Baptism = Psalm 2
Jesus’ preaching = coming of Kingdom
the people in the narrative don’t know
watch how Jesus reveals himself and
how they come to know
iii. Turning Point of the Book is 8:27-33 (Map Caesarea Philippi)
Who do people say I am? èancient answers
Who do you say I am? èthe existential question
Who do you say I am? èPeter’s answer
- Who do people say Jesus is today?
Each group read a chapter of Mark 1-7 – Who is Jesus?
Is Jesus a liar? Josh
Is Jesus a legend? Susan
Is Jesus a lunatic Marlee
- What Kind of Lord?
Old Testament expectations
Parables not to make it simple but fulfil O.T. expectations 4:10-12
Miracles not to show God’s power but fulfil O.T. expectations
acts out of compassion 1:41, 3:4-5, 6:34, 8:2
walks away from crowds 1:35
refuses to do miracles 8:12-13
tells leper not to tell anybody but temple authorities 1:45
forgives lame man of sins 2:1-12
require understanding 6:51-52. 8:18-21
Abraham: the Bedouin
Ur on Euphrates
God spoke
Promised land
Children more than you can count
Centre of world history – cursing and blessing
course of human history 57% world population
Moses – prophet
Slaves into a nation
Law of God – like no other – eg constitutional monarchy
Another Prophet
David – kingdom – Son will be king will last for ever
Only time of power
Promised a Son – God’s Son – rule all nations all time
the Christ
- But if he is Lord….
what did he come to do?
why did he die?
how does being crucified make him Lord?
You! Who do you think Jesus is?
part of the answer lies in why he came and what he requires
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